Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday Funday

This morning while I ate my banana and a slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter, Jackson sat and stared at the sunspot, again!
After breakfast I went to the gym. It was nice because there was only like 2 other people there so I had tons of space to do my thing.

Chest/Tabata/and Abs Workout


Incline Press with dumbbell 3 sets of 10-  25lbs
Supine Chest Press Machine 3 sets of 10- 50lbs
Seated Chest Press 3 sets of 10- 50lbs Super set with Standing Abs with 25lb plate

Tabata (whole body workout):
Jump Rope
Hand Release Push Ups
Jumping Jacks

A Tabata is a timed workout. I used my Gym Boss Interval Timer. But you can use any timer that you have.

Interval Timer

Abs (tabata style- 3 rounds):
Punch abs on ball
Weighted sit ups
The whole workout took me about an hour.

I had a chicken Cobb salad for lunch- no dressing. The chicken and blue cheese crumbles gave the salad tons of flavor. I also had a piece of my moms spinach flat bread. It was delicious!

After lunch we went to Starbucks and I got a chai tea, and we split a piece of lemon pound cake.

My friend Ashlee had her baby shower today and I knew there was going to be some treats there! Of course there was blue cupcakes!

I did eat one :) That's enough sugar for the week.
I'll have to wait until Thanksgiving for another treat.
 Me                     Ashlee              Miranda

They had a good spread of food so the dog stayed outside a lot. She wasn't very happy about this. This is Kia- aka: kika, kikers, whatever you feel like.

For Dinner we had chili, again. I had some whole wheat thin crackers with mine. Eric likes to load his up with cheese!

No snacks since I ate so much sugar during the day! The boys watched football so I cleaned a little. And then to bed. I have my fit test with the trainer Monday.


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